Are Dental Nurses And Dental Assistants The Same Thing?

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Are Dental Nurses And Dental Assistants The Same Thing?

Dental nurses and dental assistants may have similar jobs, but there is a significant difference between the two professions. Let’s find out how these professionals differ from each other.

Dental Nurse

First, a dental nurse may help others at reception and other dental team members, such as hygienists, therapists, technicians, dental technologists, and dentists. A dental nurse’s role is to ensure every patient is at ease.

Below is a description of the roles of a dental nurse:

-Ensuring the availability of required supplies, tools, and equipment

-Working closely with the dentist and responding to the orders

-Keeping patients’ records and helping dentists examine patients

-Finally, a dental nurse has to maintain high standards when it comes to hygiene

Dental Assistant

A dental assistant is an experienced and qualified member of a dental team. They perform their duties at a lab and office. Generally, the responsibilities of a dental assistant depend upon their background, credentials, and state laws.

Dental nurses can become a dentist, dental lab technologists, dental hygienists, dental sale rep, office managers, and research associates.

Below are the tasks that a dental assistant may perform:

Assisting a dental surgeon with different phases of treatment

-Making sure the dental instruments are sterilized

-Getting the treatment rooms ready

-Counseling the patients

-Getting the dental insurance claims ready

-Arranging dentist appointments

-Processing radiographs

-Fabricating mouthguards

So, these are some of the primary differences between dental nurses and dental assistants.


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