What Band Is A Dental Nurse?

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What Band Is A Dental Nurse?

The NHS has a solid job evaluation that determines a score. Now, this score is matched with the pay bands to decide on the basic salary level. There are a total of 9 pay bands, and each of the bands features pay points. Generally, staff can get the next pay point every year and hit the highest pay band. Let’s find out what band is a dental nurse. 

If you are a dental care professional, you will start with band 2 in the field of dentistry. Then, based on your role, you can enjoy opportunities to hit band 8a-c to get a managerial-level post. 

Typically, if you are an entry-level nurse, you will start with band three and go up to band five and work as a dental nurse specialist. 

If you are an oral health practitioner, you can start with band 5. But if you are an oral health practitioner specialist, you will start with band six and then achieve band 7 when you become an oral health practitioner. 

A dental technician starts at band five and achieves bands 6 and 7 with more experience. If you are a dental laboratory manager, you start with bands 8a-c. A dental laboratory manager would typically be on bands 8a-c.

If you are not employed by the NHS directly, you may have to follow the terms and conditions. 


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